
  • [iPhone 12 released]HOW TO USE AirPlay to a portable monitor? G-STORY GSV56FMPro👍 HD and easy to carry

    There is a new iPhone, and the Pacific Blue colour is hot! iPhone12 continues to have 12, 12pro and 12pro max, but what is the point of using the b...
  • 【MY Pubg BEST partner✌️】

    【MY Pubg BEST partner✌️】   When the configuration of computer  is not good, the gunfight or racing game are not that smooth, and it’s not JAMS😒! Ou...
  • 【G-Story電競手提Mon】食雞新體驗 ✌️

    【食雞好partner】 打邊爐最緊要係個爐,打機最緊要係咩?係部機呀嘛!部機配置唔好,打槍戰賽車game都唔順暢lag住哂,一啲都唔盡興!我地G-Story既GST 56 同 GST 156都好岩鐘意「快、順、高清」既你呀!分別配備FHD 165Hz 1MS同FHD 144Hz 1MS,...
  • 【手機放大器🔎】G-STORY顯示器將手機mon輕鬆變大 I 打直打橫都得

    【手機放大器】 有冇試過嫌手機mon太細想要放大電筒?我地G-STORY既超薄便攜Mon Pro系列就幫到你!唔單又輕又易拎,高清之餘仲可以打橫/打直睇,要碌放大版既Facebook、Instagram都得啦!以下四種型號都得架: GSV56FM Pro GSV56FT Pro ...
  • 【G-STORY support Samsung wireless DeX🙋🏼‍♀️】How our portable monitor connect Samsung wireless DeX📲?

    Note20 is available! How G-STORY portable monitor connect Samsung wireless DeX? Check this out Samsung has released wireless DeX function for...
  • 【G-Story for Galaxy S8 Up😲】Our Portable Monitor for Samsung DeX?Watching Drama/Work/Games🖲

    多功能!我地G-Story既便攜式屏幕都配合到Samsung DeX功能,用Type-C線由手機連接到屏幕,就可以享受大Mon既睇劇同打機樂趣,唔洗睇到隻眼咁攰同時要工作開會既朋友又可以用佢present同jot notes,配合埋Microsoft同唔同social media,簡直就係...
  • 【iPhone 12出爐】艾瘋點用無線投影AirPlay去便攜mon?G-STORY GSV56FMPro👍高清易攜帶

    又有新iPhone出場,Pacific Blue顏色大熱跑出!iPhone12繼續有12, 12pro同12pro max,但內置既AirPlay無線投影功能到底點用呢?想駁去大既顯示器又得唔得? 今日同大家介紹V Pro 系列既GSV56FM Pro,價錢親民功能好,性價比分分鐘抵過...
  • 【Mobile phone amplifier 🔎】

    Have you ever thought that the phone screen is too thin and wants to have an amplifier? Our G-STORY can help you with the ultra-thin and portable...

    Attention! Just imagine by putting Type-C line to our G-STORY portable monitor with your phone, and it can be a desktop/notebook computer you wan...
  • 【PlayStation with G-STORY】

    PS5 is releasing now and it becomes a hot item for a gift, right? Actually, it does have many types of games to have fun with. But what is mo...
  • 【G-STORY GS Episode 1! GS156 FT 😈】

    Hey! Tell you a short story Do you wanna have a portable computer that is ultra-thin and light to carry out for work/study/entertain? YES, WE DO!...
  • 【GS156 Introduce👂🏻! 】

    What if you have a perfect portable monitor for entertaining and working Anywhere, Anytime? We do! G-STORY, an export monitor company, which has ...